
2020年8月7日—6.TabMate.AnothersimpletabmanagerextensionisTabMate.Besideslettingyouviewandswitchbetweenopentabs,youcanreordertabsusing ...,2023年3月23日—TabSwitcherisaChromeextensionthatautomaticallyswitchesbetweenopentabsataspecifiedinterval.Withtheabilitytosetacustom ...,Popuptabswitcher...Abrowserextensionthatmakesswitchingbetweentabsmoreconvenient.AvailableinChromewebstore....Itremembersthe...

7 Best Chrome Extensions to View and Switch Between ...

2020年8月7日 — 6. TabMate. Another simple tab manager extension is TabMate. Besides letting you view and switch between open tabs, you can reorder tabs using ...

Auto Tab Switcher

2023年3月23日 — Tab Switcher is a Chrome extension that automatically switches between open tabs at a specified interval. With the ability to set a custom ...


Popup tab switcher ... A browser extension that makes switching between tabs more convenient. Available in Chrome web store . ... It remembers the order in which ...


A lightweight Chrome extension that enables fast switching between the current and last viewed tabs, without having to cycle though every tab in the window.

Switch Extension

Switch lets you manage all your web applications and accounts in a single place, right inside your browser. Install today to make your browser workstation.

Switch Tab

The Switch Tab action switches between two or more Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge (Chromium based) browser window tabs. Tip: We recommend setting the zoom to ...

Switch Tabs

2017年4月16日 — The easiest way to switch tabs on Google Chrome. Switch Tabs is the only extension that lets you easily preview opened tabs and switch between ...

Tab switch event available for Google Chrome extension?

2013年8月14日 — Tab switch event available for Google Chrome extension? ... As a Google Chrome extension, is it possible to listen to tab switches? That is, to be ...

Tab Switcher Chrome Extension

Tab Switcher lets you to quickly switch to other open tabs using only the keyboard, including filtering tabs by partial name or URL match. Designed to save time.